
I have been a fitness professional for well over a decade. I have seen all the fads, worked across all different types of training platforms and most importantly, coached countless hours of real world training sessions with every type of clientele imaginable.

What I’ve found is that there are protocols that are tried and tested, that simply work. I won’t sell you on the new best diet or ’special’ training plan. What I will do is give you the facts and the tools to get you moving in the right direction to reach your goals.

I have always been involved in sports and love working with people that want to get results. Helping someone reach those targets, is what drives my need to become the best trainer I can be.

Please get in touch if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.





Boxing is one of those sports that seem to get under your skin. Once you have learned the fundamentals, you can push your whole body to the absolute limit. Not only is it an amazing weight loss tool, but so much fun at the same time.

Give it a go and I guarantee you will be hooked. Couple boxing sessions with the right nutrition regime and watch the pounds melt away.


weight management

It’s no secret these days that you cannot outwork a bad diet. Ultimately, the way to successfully change your eating habits for the better is to implement the right strategy to fit your lifestyle. This means that there is no such thing as one-size-fits-all. Exactly why it is important to tailor a nutrition plan to the individual.

Measurements will be taken via scale, body fat callipers and tape measures to accurately assess progress. This is not an invasive process. However, if you would rather not have any of these taken initially, then it is at your discretion.



Strength and Conditioning fundamentals are extremely important and generally overlooked. Many trainees will usually jump to advanced movements, before taking into consideration the building blocks of what makes a solid foundation.

Initially, a postural and mobility assessment will be carried out, to understand what movements make the most sense in the beginning of your training, as well as what needs to be worked on. Periodicially, more advanced techniques can be introduced when necessary and when it suits the next stage of goal setting.